After-school activities in Antigua

What are the After School Activities in Antigua?

If you are looking for ways to occupy children's afternoons, there are many after-school activities available for children in Antigua. There is a wide variety of activities such as music, science, dance, sports, art, etc. There are even extracurricular activities offered by the educational institutions themselves.

For example, the Island Academy International Unity in Diversity. It is located in Buckleys, and it offers many extracurricular activities such as art, drama, volunteer work, sports, music, among other areas.ย 

There are other non-educational institutions such as the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, which offer special programs for children, full of extracurricular activities. They provide affordable, safe and fun after-school care for ECCB staff members' children between the ages of 5 and 14. Their program runs from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm during the regular school year, and from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm during school vacations. Children can explore areas such as: arts and crafts, sports, games, reading, cooking, science experiments and much more.

Also, there are many different music and dance schools available, where kids can learn to play an instrument, sing, or dance. There is the Commonwealth Resounds project, which is focused on teaching music to children. For those who are passionate about music, here is this option.

Antigua and Barbuda is an island full of interesting activities, as well as outdoor sports and water activities. There are many clubs and sports teams for children of all ages, such as soccer, cricket, volleyball and basketball.

One of the most popular sports in Antigua and Barbuda is cricket, so there are several cricket clubs where you can do a little more research. There are, for example: Liberta Sports Club, Newfield Sports Club, Falmouth Cricket Pitch, Cricket West Indies, Coolidge Cricket Ground, among others. In these spaces you can explore more about this exciting sport on the island.

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